Tarta de Santiago

tarta santiago

Every pilgrim or tourist who visited Galicia region in northern Spain knows this traditional galician pastry offered in every cafe. The cake is traditionally made from almonds sugar and eggs and on its surface it is marked with cross of the knights of Order of Santiago and its real origin is not clear but I have learned from someone that it was brought to Spain by Jews in 16th century. Legend holds that remains of apostle Saint James were carried by boat from Jerusalem to northern Spain where he was buried on the site of what is now the city of Santiago de Compostela. During the Middle Ages, the pilgrimage to Santiago was the most important pilgrimage of the Christian world. Nowadays pilgrims from all over the world take the trek to spectacular Cathedral of Santiago not only for religious reasons but in search of more spiritual answers in their own life or just as a time of travel and exercise. Many consider this experience a spiritual adventure to remove themselves from the bustle of modern life. Tarta de Santiago serves as sweet reward after long walk. Apart of that, if you complete at least 100 km long pilgrimage, you obtain official certificate and with that all your sins from the past and the future will be forgiven.
In 2010 the EU gave Tarta de Santiago the PGI status (protected geographical indication that promotes and protects names of quality agricultural products and foodstuffs within Europe). To qualify, the cake must be made in the Autonomous Community of Galicia and must contain at least 33% almonds. Anyway, here is the traditional recipe. Its preparation is simple and its moist, honey and almond fragrance are so delicious, definitely it is worth to try it.

250 g peeled almonds
150 g sugar
5 big eggs
grated zest of 1 lemon and one 1 small orange
1 teaspoon of cinnamon
4 drops of almond extract
icing sugar for dusting

In the food processor finely grind the almonds to powder. In a bowl combine almonds with cinnamon. Using a mixer whisk sugar and eggs. Add grated zest of lemon and orange and few drops of almond extract. Combine almond mixture with batter made from eggs and sugar and mix well. Then preheat the oven to 170°C and line round baking pan (diameter 22 cm) with baking paper. Pour batter into cake pan and bake for about 40-45 min. Cake is done if a toothpick inserted into the center of the cake comes out clean. After the cake has cooled, place the cross cut from paper in the center of the cake and dust the top with powdered sugar. Enjoy!

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