Peach and ricotta tart


Here is another recipe for fruit cake that can be prepared anytime during the year. Not too sweet, not too fat and common in many Czech families.

Sweet pastry

4 yolks
1 glass of icing sugar
1/2 glass of vegetable oil
2 glasses of flour
1 baking powder
½ glass of milk
meringue from 4 egg whites
zest from one lemon
canned peaches cut to slices

Ricotta filling

In a bowl simply mix well 500 g of ricotta (czech tvaroh) with 2 yolks, 100 g of vanilla sugar, 1 glass of milk and mix well until sugar gets dissolved. The slowly add meringue from 2 egg whites.

As usual start the preparation of dough by mixing egg yolks with sugar and slowly add oil. Add sieved flour, baking powder and milk. To make the dough smoother and sponge softer, prepare meringue from yolk eggs and mix it gently into dough. Then pour the dough onto baking tray that has been greased with butter and sprinkled by flour. Decorate the surface of the cake with ricotta filling and on the top put slices of peaches. Bake for about 20 min at 170oC in a pre-heated oven, then decrease the temperature to 140oC and continue baking for 20 more minutes. Let it cool down and serve. Bon appétit!

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