Cheesy bites for champagne toast

syrove susenky

Just before New Year’s Eve I would like to present you one exception between all the sweet deserts on this website. This savoury recipe is perfect to accompany champagne, beer, good dry wine during long night out with your friends. And it is so easy to prepare!

250 g margarine
250 g plain flour
250 g blue cheese
1 whole egg

For decoration:
Mixture of one yolk and 2 tea spoon of milk
Whole cumin, sweet paprika, walnuts, almonds

Combine all ingredients in good powerful food processor and mix well until you get smooth dough and you cannot feel big pieces of blue cheese or margarine. It is not necessary to leave the dough to rest in the fridge. As far as the dough has good consistency, you can directly start to roll it out and cut your favourite shapes. Place them on the baking tray lined with baking paper. In the small bowl whip egg yolk with small volume of milk, smear surface of all biscuits and decorate them with walnuts, with whole cumin, sweet paprika or almond. Bake in preheated oven at 160oC for about 10 min. Happy New Year and cheers!

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