Auntie’s luxury tart


This is desert is little bit more laborious but surely it is worth the effort. So far everybody fell in love into this smooth tart. It makes every occasion litlle more special…Thanks to my aut for such a great recipe!

4 yolks
150 g icing sugar
3/4 glass of water
1/2 glass of vegetable oil
200 g baking flour
2 small spoons of dark cocoa powder
thick meringue from 4 egg whites

500 ml milk
2 x vanilla pudding powder
100 g caster sugar
250 g margarine
100 g crushed hazelnuts

250 ml of cream for whipping
50 g vanilla sugar
100 g of dark chocolate for decoration

Using an electric blender whip egg yolks and icing sugar into a cream. Continue mixing and little by little add oil. Add sieved flour, cocoa powder and water and prepare nice homogenous dough. To make the dough smoother, prepare thick meringue from yolk eggs and gently mix it into dough. Pour the mixture onto baking tray that has been greased with butter and sprinkled by flour. Bake about 20-30 min at 180oC in preheated oven. Try not to open the oven during baking and then let the pastry to cool down slowly, so it does not shrink.

 Next step is vanilla cream with hazelnuts. You simply follow the instructions for preparation of vanilla pudding only with one exception – use half of volume of milk. In the pot you warm up milk and mix it with pudding powder and sugar. Continue mixing until the boiling pudding gets thick. Then turn off the fire, add margarine by small pieces and continue mixing until it gets dissolved in the warm pudding. At the end you add crushed hazelnuts. When the cream gets cold you may spread it on the top of the pastry.

The top layer of the tart forms whipped cream and sprinkles of the dark chocolate. I highly recommend to avoid pre-prepare whipped creams in the spray. Homemade whipped cream is usually much thicker and you better use less sugar (just one vanilla sugar is enough) because we have already sweet cream on the tart. Decorate the surface of the tart with grated dark sugar. Keep the tart in the cold place and leave the flavours to mix at least few hours before serving it. Bon appétit!

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