Cherry-ricotta cake (Třešňovo-tvarohová bublanina)


This desert is typical for summer months when cherry trees are full of juicy red cherries and the sky is blue and sun warms up your skin. This recipe could be use for any other fruits, especially summer berries are delicious in combination with light sweet sponge and creamy ricotta. There is nothing better than to enjoy summer sunshine with piece of fruity “bublanina” and refreshing lemonade.

6 yolks
200 g caster sugar
1/2 glass of water
1/2 glass of vegetable oil
240 g baking flour
1 baking powder
thick meringue from 6 egg whites
250 g ricotta cheese
80 g icing sugar
one yolk
zest from one lemon
1/4 kg cherries
icing sugar sprinkle final cake

Riccota filling (tvarohová náplň)

In a bowl simply mix well 250 g of ricotta (czech tvaroh) with one yolk, 80 g of icing sugar, zest from one lemon and mix well until sugar gets dissolved. Use directly for decorating of store some hours in cold.

The preparation is very easy and will not take much of your time. As usual you start by mixing egg yolks with sugar and water until all the sugar gets completely dissolved. Continue mixing while adding oil little by little. Then add flour and baking powder and prepare homogenous thick dough. To make the dough smoother and sponge more soft, prepare meringue from yolk eggs and mix it gently into dough. Then pour the dough onto baking tray that has been greased with butter and sprinkled by flour. Decorate the surface of the cake with ricotta filling and on the top put washed cherries. Bake for about 40 min at 180oC in a pre-heated oven. Let the cake to cool down, sprinkle it with sieved icing sugar and enjoy your relaxing sweet summer moment!

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