Vánočka – Czech Christmas Bread


Vánočka is one of the main symbols of czech traditional Christmas. Vánočka was baked in 18th century as a gift of craftsmen for their nobility. There are many variants, the most common has almonds and raisins but could be also flavored  with hazelnuts, anise or fennel. A coins used to be baked inside of Vánočka and it would bring good luck to a person who found it.
There is lot of symbolism in the shape of Vánočka. Here I prepare much simplified version with only 2 layers each consists of 3-strand braid. Originally there were 3 layers. One made of 4 strands that symbolize earth, sun, water and air. The second layer consists of 3 strands that represent wisdom, will and sense and finally the top layer with only two strands that stand for knowledge and love. Baking the Vánočka was always considered as art that in the past involved lot of rituals and rather weird rules. As an example – woman baking Vánočka could have been dressed only in white, with white apron and hat. She could not speak during baking and while the dough was rising she had to keep jumping up and down to make the dough rise better. Burned and cracked Vánočka would then bring bad luck to the house.
I believe you would have success with this recipe (with no need to jump, really) and the aroma of Christmas would beautifully spread out through your house. Enjoy it!

500 g plain flour
100 g butter
80 g sugar
250 ml milk
50 g fresh yeast
3 egg yolks
50 g dark raisins
40 g sliced almonds
zest of one big lemon
pitch of salt
1 beaten egg to brush surface of Vánočka at the end
icing sugar and 2 tablespoons of sliced almonds to sprinkle Vánočka  at the end

Separate milk half and half into two small cooking pots. In one of them prepare start yeast culture – crumble the fresh yeast into warm milk (should not be hotter then 37oC!), add one tea spoon of sugar, pitch of salt and one large spoon of flour. Stir a bit and leave to rise in a warm place until yeast will at least double the volume.  Meanwhile warm up milk and butter in the second pot until butter gets completely dissolved. Then take it off the heat and add to big bowl with flour, rest of the sugar, 3 egg yolks, lemon zest, sliced almonds  and raisins. Finally add yeast and mix well. Harder you work the mass, better it will rise. When the dough is smooth and sticky, make a round loaf of it, dust with flour and leave it in the bowl covered with clean dish towel. Let it rise in a warm place for 2 hours until the dough doubles its volume.
Move the dough onto lightly floured board. Divide into 3 large pieces and 3 smaller pieces. Roll each piece into a strand about 40 cm long. On the tray with baking sheet braid 3 large pieces loosely and pitch ends together. Then braid 3 thinner pieces as and place them carefully on the top of large braid tucking the ends underneath.  Cover with a cloth and let rise half an hour more in a warm place.
Heat oven to 170oC. Brush Vánočka with beaten egg and sprinkle with sliced almonds. Finally, puncture Vánočka at both ends and in the middle with wooden skewers to prevent warping of the dough on one side during baking.  Bake 15 minutes, then reduce heat to 150oC and bake 20 min longer. Let cool completely before slicing. Dust with icing sugar if desired.